Monday, August 27, 2012

Discharged, 3:55PM

Jocelyn is on her way home. She was discharged from the hospital at 3:55PM today.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bernie with his Sweetie, Sunday Night Post

Television remote in his hand, his Sweetie by his side and he gets to sleep in a
recliner all night. He's happy. Hopefully, last night at the hospital.

Hospital Stay, Day 7, Sunday Evening

Jocelyn woke up at 4AM to have blood work done since she is on steroids, anti-seizure, analgesics, saline, docusate sodium, etc. Celeste left this AM because she has to work in Indiana for the next two days. Bernie arrived at 7AM to relieve Celeste. Jocelyn decided to visit Carrington who is in this hospital. He is on 5th floor. She had on regular sweatpants and was excited about this. However, after the visit and seeing Carrington's scar due to his knee replacement, Jocelyn felt woozie. Bernie and Jocelyn went back to her room, about 3 rooms from her room, Jocelyn's felt like she was falling. Many nurses came to the rescue. Her blood pressure was so low it didn't register and her sugar was high due to Dexamethasone(steroid) use. They put her back to bed and she started feeling better a few hours later. The prune juice and stool softener worked for the first time since surgery. Jocelyn walked again this afternoon and did good. She had a good dinner while Bernie was eating Subway at the hospital. Jocelyn should get her first bath in her own room later tonight. The basics of life are the things she is yearning now. Since I am blogging, Bernie said he felt left out so I'll add that he just tinkled. Bernie added that he tinkled and tinkled. He is watching 60 minutes now and he is sporting a fancy fashionista sweater. Tomorrow we aren't sure about now because she has to be released by her neurosurgeon, then physical therapy needs to see if she can walk 30 steps. Can you imagine Jocelyn wondering if she can safely walk 30 steps? So, we are waiting to see how tomorrow goes. Bernie is staying the night in a recliner next to Jocelyn's bed. We hope she will be released, but we will update you, as soon as we know.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hospital Stay, Out Of ICU, PM Post

Good news. Jocelyn was moved out of the ICU today. The hospital was full all week, so they kept her in the ICU. Celeste was told today, Jocelyn will be going home Monday. She is in a regular hospital room now. Jocelyn is doing good. She continues to go to bed at 8:30PM and she is sleeping through the night. Good night everyone! (Oh, Celeste continues to spend the night with her Mom. Jocelyn is being taken good care of by Celeste and Bernie.)

Hospital Stay, PM Picture, August 23, 2012

This picture was taken post surgery. Jocelyn said it was okay to post. Picture was
taken at 9:00 PM or so. I stopped in to see if  I could help and update the blog, as
I was instructed to do by Jocelyn during this process. I think she looks great. Her
hair is growing in nice and thick. She'll be looking like herself shortly.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hospital Stay, Day 4

I have new information that is more accurate. Jocelyn's tumor was the size of an orange, not an egg. She walked again today. Some flowers were sent to the hospital, but the ICU doesn't allow because of infection control. Celeste took the flowers home to keep them until Jocelyn moves out of the ICU. In the way of news, Jocelyn has been very tired. This is something they are watching; however, she didn't move out of ICU today because of availability of regular hospital rooms. Celeste is sleeping in Jocelyn's room each night to watch over her special Mom. They are sharing moments which will be remembered for a lifetime. Bernie has been taking the day shift with Jocelyn. Jocelyn told me Bernie was anxiety ridden during her surgery. A physician who was visiting his family member spoke with Bernie on Tuesday in the cafeteria. Later in the day, Jocelyn remembers an unfamiliar physician stopping by to check on Bernie because he was so worried about his wife!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 3, Hospital Stay, PM Post-August 22, 2012

It's 10:30 PM and I just spoke to Jocelyn's RN,Amy, for an update. Jocelyn is still very sleepy. Jocelyn is off IV fluids now. She is on oral Meds. She walked around hospital hall twice today. Nothing more to report. She still has her head wrapped and a drainage tube, but not much fluid coming off. With this information, the tube will be removed tomorrow. I understand Bernie has been at the hospital most of the time. He and Celeste have been excellent supporters during this stressful time in Jocelyn's life. I know Jocelyn loves everyone who cares about her and she appreciates everyone following her progress during this journey.