Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hospital Stay, Day 4

I have new information that is more accurate. Jocelyn's tumor was the size of an orange, not an egg. She walked again today. Some flowers were sent to the hospital, but the ICU doesn't allow because of infection control. Celeste took the flowers home to keep them until Jocelyn moves out of the ICU. In the way of news, Jocelyn has been very tired. This is something they are watching; however, she didn't move out of ICU today because of availability of regular hospital rooms. Celeste is sleeping in Jocelyn's room each night to watch over her special Mom. They are sharing moments which will be remembered for a lifetime. Bernie has been taking the day shift with Jocelyn. Jocelyn told me Bernie was anxiety ridden during her surgery. A physician who was visiting his family member spoke with Bernie on Tuesday in the cafeteria. Later in the day, Jocelyn remembers an unfamiliar physician stopping by to check on Bernie because he was so worried about his wife!

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