Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Post Op Day 29...Doctor Visit...

Post op day 29
How do I feel?
Feel great today.  Excited to go to doctor appointment  with Dr Shandi. He is suppose to release me to full activities today.Tomorrow will be 30 days since my surgery.
Most people that see me say I look great. I found out that most people are expecting to see scars or bruising.
Up.Tired... where is my coffee. Bernie tries to make it this am but with the keurig  machine. He can not get it going. So, I help him out.  I guess since I stopped taking the steroids I am not longer up at 4am.  The seizure meds keppra  500mg I take at night give me a morning feeling of drowsiness which from what I have read effects most people. Thank God I have little side effects from Keppra. But always seems to be a bit of sleepiness present throughout the day.
At least the skin rash itching has gone away caused by Keppra  anti-epileptic medication.   Headaches have gone away. The headaches come back when I wear my wig too long.  I tolerate the medicine Keppra quite well.  Just minor things. Neck pain, drowsiness.
Bernie went to gym and I got on treadmill in my bedroom and walked for 1 hour.6800 steps.
3:45pm Doctor's appointment.
He looked at scar and said Jocelyn was doing extremely well. She asked questions to Dr.:
Can you reduce medication due to a.m. grogginess? He reduced to 200mg of Keppra due to Jocelyn never having seizures in her past.

Why do people keep telling her how well she looks? What do they expect? He said,"They expect
bruising, facial scars and a bald head." So...final prognosis is the tumor was totally removed. In
4 months, return for MRI and follow-up psychological testing.
Final moments with Doctor. Everyone hugged and Jocelyn thanked him, Bernie thanked him, etc.
Doctor was worried that Jocelyn would lose her sense of smell during surgery since tumor was at frontal lobe. However, Jocelyn can smell Bernie's cologne in the morning. It's labeled "wild country." So, success!

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