Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Monday, Sept. 3, 2012, Post-op, Day 13

Monday, How do you feel?

4:30 am
Let me count the ways. Same as yesterday . Physically still dull ache but only from 1-10, a 2. Maybe I did sleep better even though it was a full moon last night.
5 am
Worked in office.
Walked 90 steps to end of hall and mailed a letter.
Did not have to hold on to walls.
Starting reading get well cards and starting balling crying. First time. Tears of joy.
Raining outside today. Glad I can see out our large picture window in bedroom. I am looking out at the corner of Willow Lawn and Monument Avenue. There isn't a lot of traffic since Sunday and holiday weekend.
Bernie helped me change water in plant vases.
Bernie went to gym. I do miss gym BUT I will be back at it soon. In bed again with Sunday paper.
Medicines taken, plus Tylenol.
Bernie home from gym. He is now resting in his chair. It is nice enjoying this quiet time with Bernie. I don't get a lot of quiet time with Bernie, if you know him you are probably laughing now .
I hear him in the kitchen putting the dishes away in the dishwasher . I started the diwasher and he puts the stuff away as I can not yet lift or bend over. Think of it. How many times a day do you bend over? I now go to my knees pick up something and then pull up.Today I tried and was successful at standing up without assistance. Progress!

Breakfast in bed.
Walked 180 steps to the end of hall to laundry room where their is a restroom. Walked back. Head clear. Walked great. Time to make sure Bernie took his heart meds.
10:00-1:00 pm
Worked on an office project I have been working on for 2 yrs
Louis came to ask me for help with his new kindle fire.
Debbie and Walter  Guarde came to visit and we all went out to eat at Yum Yum. Bernie's favorite place.
Talked to Joy Cobb. Last year this time, Joy and I were training for Richmond half marathon in November. Did not sign up this year. We will be in Florida anyway Nov 12 .
Headache now. Tylenol. Laying down watching golf.
My sense of taste for tap water has changed. Taste is stale. My sense of smell is sharper. Smells musty in lobby of condo. I am going to replace all cleaning chemicals with natural products.
Golf over. watching Property Brothers on HGTV channel .

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