Thursday, September 13, 2012

Friday, August 31_2012_Post op 10

Post op 10Friday August 31, 2012How do you feel today!
Good with a sunny disposition.   Borrowed from a commercial but good explanation don't you think? 

Feeling  drugs side effects. Which are...
Difficulty sleeping; feeling a whirling motion; sweating;  nervousness, rash; hives; Caffeine high why am I drinking coffee.  I like coffee with my chocolate soy milk.

 When people talk to me on the phone they say it is good to hear my strong  voice.  That strong voice is a sign for me that I feel better .

Friend over helping me update blog.  I enjoy that.  Watching golf tournament .  Bernie just walked over to Kroger for lunch.   Sharon our trusty maid came today she had to do laundry.  But glad it is all done.  Jane Asch, Bernie's daughter  called today. Her dog Sammy of 14 yrs died this pass weekend.  So long Sammy.  
Cathy stark a friend that bernie and i met at the y more than 15 yrs ago moved to Michigan where she grew up and came back to visit and brought dinner .  Set up for 2 hours and felt okay... Was ready to lay down.  My head feels better when I sit up then lie down..Jamie the nurse practitioner  told me that your head pulses and when you lie down it pulses more...So i sit up at a 30 degree angle in bed propped  and try to sleep... 

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