Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday, Day 3 Hospital Stay-August 22, 2012

Celeste asked me to add the following comments: Jocelyn is doing well. She is happy and thankful to have the surgery over. The doctor came in and checked on her and said she will need to get up after lunch and walk around a little bit to avoid blood clots. Doctor said she is doing well and that the tumor has probably been there at least for 10 years. Jocelyn was finally able to eat and she ate her favorite thing, frozen yogurt from Sweet Frog. Celeste went and made a special trip to the yogurt shop for HER SPECIAL MOM. (I am adding these comments at 12:30 PM and I plan on updating this blog as I get more definitive data. I am Jocelyn's blogging trainee, Terry. Thank you for your patience with this blog process.)

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