Monday, August 20, 2012

Hospital Stay, Day 1, PM Post

Jocelyn & Bernie left home at 7 AM. Karen, their neighbor, took them to Johnston Willis Hospital. Bernie promised Jocelyn he would not drive to the hospital which is 10 miles away on curved  roads. At the hospital, prep began. Radiology was the first stop. Prep for OR began for cerebral angiogram. In OR, table was very cold. Room was like a meat locker because of infectious disease control (aka-mersa.) Next stop, lines were placed in neck and Jocelyn was slightly sedated. She cried inside until she remembered what Bernie had told her..."you must be brave." Two hours later, surgery over. Surgeon gave very positive results. Doctor said embolization not necessary due to calcification of tumor. Meaning tumor had been there awhile and blood supply to tumor was very minimum. So, this is very good. Next stop, Neuro ICU unit. The next 6 hours...NO movement. Finally, food was given, but Jocelyn refused because of the meat diet offered. But, at dinner, vegetarian meal was brought. Yeah! Next...nurse practitioner came into room to put GPS tags on skull. Jocelyn's head was shaved. She looks simply marvelous with her fashionista style going on. The GPS tags/probes help guide the surgeon on surgical boundaries for Tuesday 8 AM surgery.

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