Monday, August 27, 2012

Jocelyn's Brain Tumor Prognosis Information

Meningiomas make up about 20 percent of all brain tumors. A meningioma is a type of tumor that develops in the meninges, the protective membranes that cover the brain and the spinal cord. Most meningiomas are non-aggressive, or benign, although up to 5 percent are aggressive, or malignant. Benign meningiomas are slow-growing and do not invade surrounding tissue or spread to other parts of the body, but they often require surgery, because they compress adjacent brain tissue as they grow.

Meningiomas fortunately carry an excellent prognosis--complete recovery usually occurs within a few months.

Initial symptoms

indicating the growth of a frontal lobe brain tumor can be difficult to notice. However, over time noticeable symptoms such as seizures and frequent urination will begin to develop. It is important to stay vigilant if someone you know displays these outward symptoms or others, such as personality change and mood swings, as they may not be readily acknowledged by the person

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