Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012_Benign Brain Tumor Surgery

I woke up very early by the night nurse preparing for surgery.
At 7:30am, pre-op began. The nurse assigned Jocelyn a place
between two other day patient surgeries. Celeste was out of town in Chicago on business and Bernie was arriving at hospital later
in day due to length of events on this day. Rhonda, Jocelyn's RN,
took vitals, history again and asked if Jocelyn had family outside
and if she'd like to see them. Jocelyn said no. Hair already shaved, so Jocelyn was ready. Nurse said "your daughter is on the phone."
It was early for Celeste since Celeste was in Chicago. This is one of the conveniences of the cell phone age.

Celeste and Jocelyn prayed over the phone. Celeste was scared for her Mom and scared for herself. Celeste was working and flying
on Tuesday and said she would be there at 8:30pm. Dr. Sihni was
cool and it was just another day at the 'office.' The doctor's bedside
manor was unusually good. The nurse thought Jocelyn had a really
good attitude for a person with a brain tumor and a patient facing
surgery. The doctor came in and introduced everyone and one of the assistant asked about taking phone numbers of family members. Jocelyn said "great" and gave out a few numbers.

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